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ChatGPT and the Future of Content

So unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about ChatGPT. In content marketing, it’s all the big news.

ChatGPT is going to save the world, end the world, make business easier, make business boring, Google is fine with it, Google will ding you for it, etc., etc., etc.

Honestly, I’m a little ChatGPT-ed out and dreaded writing this at all. BUT it is actually a useful tool and it is going to help a lot of businesses.

IF….and that is a big IF…IF it is used correctly. If you copy and paste straight from ChatGPT, you’re not going to see the benefits from your content that you could.

So let’s talk about what your content CAN do (and what ChatGPT can’t) and how you can use ChatGPT wisely in your content marketing.

And scroll to the bottom to get my FREE guide on how to use ChatGPT!

You want content that converts!

Content serves three purposes in your business – to help your audience know, like and trust you.

  1. Know (aka content as a presence). This means that you are front and center in people’s minds in your industry.
  2. Like (aka content as a window). This means that your audience sees who you are, how you do business, why you’ll get along and connect, etc.
  3. Trust (aka content as an authority builder). This is where we get into what some people call thought leadership, but I prefer authoritative. You are demonstrating that you know what you’re talking about and that you can get your audience results.

The reality is that if you ask ChatGPT to write you a blog, email, or social media caption and copy and paste it, you’re only going to accomplish the first point. You’re going to be putting something out there. Which is good…but it’s not great. It’s not doing all the things that your content COULD be doing.

(Also a note: right now, ChatGPT is as good as the data its fed. The most recent data it has is from 2021, so if you’re talking about something that has happened since then, it won’t be accurate.)

How can I use ChatGPT in my business?

So, all of this to say, you can still use ChatGPT in your content marketing. Here’s how:

As a brainstormer

Ever get totally stuck on ideas? ChatGPT is your friend. You can use ChatGPT to help generate new ideas for your content. Put in a few keywords related to your industry or topic, and ChatGPT can provide you with a list of potential ideas that you can use to create your content.

To create lists

If you need to create a list of tips, strategies, or resources related to your topic, ChatGPT can help. Type in your topic, and ChatGPT can provide you with a list of information that you can use to create your list. That means anything from influencers in your field, podcasts that accept guests, subheadings for your blog post, and more!

First draft creator

Fun fact – the first draft of this article was written by ChatGPT.  Then I tweaked the heck out of it.

This is awesome because as I (and Jodi Picault) like to say, you cannot edit a blank page. Sometimes we get stuck but once we get STARTED, we can really rock it. If you struggle with getting started, ChatGPT can help by creating a first draft.

You definitely need to do some editing and refinement, but don’t underestimate the power of just getting started!

My new guide on getting started with ChatGPT!

So, do you want some easy scripts to get you started? I got you! (Or if you want to chat, let’s book a call!)

Fill in the form below and I’ll send it right over!



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Thanks for reading! I’m Mel, the Chief Word Nerd, and I am passionate about making writing copy for your business easier. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or want tips on how to make it easier, you are in the right place!

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